Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Slop at the Top!

Round 3 of Tuesday Night Action 29 saw an unusually low turnout of 14 players. At the top board, Patrick McCartney and Dominique Myers met for the 27th time, and it turned out to be more of a blunder fest than a game one would expect between two players rated in the 2100s. White plays an unsound sacrifice on move 6. Black proceeds to drop a piece and converts a piece for two pawn advantage into a pawn deficit. White then wins another pawn, but in severe time trouble, completely fails to convert a two-pawn up endgame, and the game ends in a draw.

The draw allowed Myers to maintain a half point lead after three rounds.

Meanwhile, on board 2, Sulia Mason, playing White, takes down Michael Uwakwe. It was reported by White that due to extreme passive play by Black, showing no interest in conflict, White went on to aggressively dominate the entire board, and that not once in the entire game did a single Black piece get beyond the 5th rank, and every Black piece remained on his own half of the board. White after the game said his attitude was "You don't want to come after me? I'll do it for you in making your position passive!" In the end, the White pieces swarmed in at the Black King and it was too much for Black to handle.

On board 3, peace was declared between Pradhy Kothapalli and Aditya Shivapooja.

In the lower section, Daniel Boisvert maintains perfection after three rounds by defeating Adrian Moritz. Other winners include Hassan Hashemloo, David Blackwelder, and James Scott.

1 comment:

  1. The opposite bishop endgame should be a straightforward win if you don't trade rooks.
