It is not often that I get to play a piece sacrifice and it actually be the best move. Usually it is a sacrifice that works against opponents around my rating or lower yet it would never work against a much stronger player.
This time it was different. My move was the best. It was also instinctively my first choice. I had to calculate to make sure. As you will see, I needed to calculate further as I spent only 3 minutes on this move. For as critical as this move was I should have forced myself to see deeper.
If you are going to attack a king that hasn't castled it is important to keep these ideas in mind:
- Prevent the king from leaving the center.
- Open as many lines towards the king as you can, files and diagonals.
- Bring all of your pieces into the attack.
- Keep the opponent's pieces uncoordinated.
Key Takeaways:
-Trust but verify your instincts when playing chess.
-When calculating a piece sacrifice force yourself to go deeper in your calculations as there could be a defensive resource you didn't expect.
-Tactics do really grow on strategy. Try not to create weak points in your position that your opponent can take advantage of. If your opponent has weaknesses then attack them.
Thanks David. Very instructive notations.