Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Getting Old Sucks

A total of 22 players showed up to play in the final round of Tuesday Night Action 30. In the top section, Daniel Cremisi(2266) proceeded to take down Pradhy Kothapalli(1839) in order to finish in clear first place with a score of 4 points. Board two featured the battle for second place between Patrick McCartney(2076) and Mark Biernacki(2084), and this is our feature game this week. Both sides make multiple errors in the opening, each side having their chances to get the advantage. As the pieces get traded down and a Rook and Pawn ending is reached. While Rook and Pawn endings have been one of my strengths in the past, but with White being Black's senior by 15 to 20 years, it feels like the number of errors being made in simple positions have been on the rise lately, and this game is no different. White starts off by making the wrong move on move 38, and then proceeds to make life very easy for Black on move by falling for elementary tactics beginning with move 42. It might be too late at that point after White's error on move 38, but there were many ways to make it more difficult for Black to force through the win. But alas, a series of endgame errors by his opponent lead to a second place finish for Biernacki.

The game can be viewed below:

Other winners in the top section include Michael Uwakwe(2031), Dominique Myers(2137), and Adam Clontz(1922).

In the lower section, Daniel Boisvert(1068) took clear first with 4 points by defeating Harshitha Jasti(800) while Andrew Jiang(1498) took clear second in his win over Donald Johnson(1343). Other winners include Ali Shirzad(1674), Richard Trela(989), and Debs Pedigo(1295), while Rishi Jasti(758) and Antonio Lemaisonett(1015) declared peace.

The complete cross table can be viewed here.

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